
Árpád Baráth, PhD (1944). Social psychologist, graduate of University of Zagreb, Faculty of Philosophy Department of Psychology. Currently professor emeritus at University of Pécs Faculty of Humanities, Institute of Social Relations Department of Community Relations and Social Studies. Major fields of research: creativity, art therapy, war trauma, ethnic identity, social exclusion, migration health. Current project: “Ethnic minority issues at the midst of Europe’s migration crisis”. Publications (in Hungarian, English, Croatian): research 116 total, of which 79 articles, 8 books, 18 book chapters; citations 214; reads 1,612 (cf. ResearchGate ’17).

Jozef Bartovic is working as Technical Officer at WHO/Euro, contributing to the work on, inter alia, the PHAME project, the Knowledge Hub and the Migration and Health Knowledge Management Project. Previously, he worked for the Regional Commission for Western Asia of the UN Secretariat in Beirut, Lebanon where he was covering migration and displacement issues in the Arab region. He is originally from Slovakia. After completing his studies in Politics, he lived in the UK working on screening programmes, sexual and reproductive health and primary care access for the Ministry of Health, Public Health England (Health Protection Agency) and the National Health Service.

Prior to joining Global Cleveland as its top executive, Joe Cimperman served 18 years on Cleveland City Council, where he distinguished himself as a champion of the diverse peoples and cultures of Greater Cleveland. Joe, an immigrant’s son, grew up in a Slovenian-speaking household on East 74th Street in the St. Clair-Superior neighborhood of Cleveland. He graduated from St. Ignatius High School and John Carroll University, where he was elected president of the student body. In 1997, he began the first of seven terms on Cleveland City Council. His diverse ward included the businesses and corporate offices of downtown as well as the cultures of Asiatown, Tremont, Ohio City and the old neighborhood. Joe, a German Marshall Fellow, assumed the leadership of Global Cleveland in April of 2016. He and his wife, Nora, live in Ohio City with their two young children.

Amy Coren, Ph.D., J.D., is currently a Fulbright Scholar at the University of Pécs in both the Psychology Institute and Faculty of Law. An interdisciplinary scholar, Dr. Coren’s interests focus on the intersection cognitive psychology and legal policy. She has participated in multiple panel discussions on immigration and mental health at universities in the Washington, D.C.-area with a focus on Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)-related health impacts on young children. In addition to her duties as a full-time professor at Northern Virginia Community College, Dr. Coren is also a practicing attorney in Washington D.C. where she has worked with recent immigrants through the Washington, D.C. Bar Association's Pro Bono Counseling Program.

Levente Emődy PhD, DSc received his MD degree at the University of Pécs in 1969, he specializes in the field of laboratory medicine (1972) and medical microbiology (2000). He was nominated a full professor at the Department of Medical Microbiology and Immunology in 1993, and he has served as a professor emeritus in 2008. His field of research includes pathology and genetics of infectious diseases with emphasis on enteric bacteria. He has published 118 scientific publications with 2547 independent references and he has represented Hungary in 3 EU level projects on infectious diseases. He has organized 3 EU level scientific conferences and he is on the editorial board of the International Journal of medical Microbiology, Public Health Aspects of Migration in Europe- Newsletter and Acta Microbiologica and Immuologica Hungarica.

Meredith Gartin completed her BA and MA in Anthropology from the University of Georgia and Auburn University, respectively. In 2012 she completed her PhD in Global Health with a concentration on culture and health from Arizona State University. She brings almost 10 years of experience in developing, leading and coordinating global health programs for both Arizona State University and CEA Study Abroad. She has also taught and published peer-reviewed research in Global Public Health, Medical Anthropology, and Environmental Sustainability. She manages the Global Health faculty directed programs providing support to faculty and advising students on global opportunities.
János Girán is a Hungarian expert of community based health promotion. He is associate professor of University of Pécs Medical School, Department of Public Health Medicine. He received a PhD degree in Health Sciences and holds MA degree both in Regional Development Studies and in Social Policy Research. He is engaged in city health development planning and health impact assessment. He is a senior advisor of Hungarian Speaking Association of Healthy Cities and a temporary advisor of WHO European Healthy Cities Network Political Vision Group. He has conducted several research projects in the fields of urban health. He has over 30 publications including two books.
Andrea Horváth-Sarródi graduated as a Doctor of Medicine in 2007 at the University of Pécs. Since then she has been working in the Institute of Public Health and actively partaking in the education of the Hungarian, English and German programme at the Medical Faculty, teaching different subjects of Public Health. Her main fields of interests are Health Promotion and Mental Health Promotion of special populations. According to different projects she has cooperated with several institutions, eg. the WHO Healthy Cities or the Local Government of Baranya County. She also works as a career advisor and life coach for the Central Career Office of the UP - this direct contact to the students and future students of our University is really important and precious for her.

Gillian Ice is an associate professor in the Departments of Social Medicine, Biomedical Sciences, Social and Public Health, and African Studies at Ohio University and serves as the Director of Global Health. She developed the partnerships that led to the establishment of the Global Health Initiative in 2012. Prior to coming to Ohio University, She was a National Institute on Aging Fellow at the University of Minnesota School of Public Health. She has a Ph.D. in Anthropology with a specialization in gerontology and an M.P.H. in Epidemiology. Her research explores stress and aging with a focus on long-term care residents and grandparents caring for orphaned children in Kenya (funded by the National Science Foundation). In the past she took students to students to Kenya to assist in this research. She is currently working with the Ministry of Health in Botswana on several projects including research, research training and curriculum development for nursing programs. She just completed a book entitled, "Disasters in Field Research. Preparing for and Coping with Unexpected Events," to be published by Alta Mira Press.

Christopher D. Ingersoll is the Dean of the College of Health and Human Services. Dr. Ingersoll earned a BS in Sports Medicine from Marietta (OH) College, and MA in Athletic Training from Indiana State University, and a PhD in Biomechanics from The University of Toledo. His research has focused on the neurophysiological and neuromechanical consequences of injury, particularly relating to muscle activation, and the neurophysiological mechanisms of rehabilitation interventions.

David Ingleby is a researcher at the Centre for Social Science and Global Health, University of Amsterdam and Emeritus Professor of Intercultural Psychology at Utrecht University. Before moving to the Netherlands in 1982 he worked for the Medical Research Council in Cambridge and London, as well as lecturing at Cambridge University. In 2007 he was Willy Brandt Memorial Professor at the School of International Migration and Ethnic Relations, Malmö University. His main fields of research are health and social care in multicultural societies, in particular forced migration and health. He has worked as consultant and advisor for the Council of Europe, WHO Regional Office for Europe and International Organization for Migration, and has set up and run two COST Actions: IS0603 (Health and social care for migrants and ethnic minorities, 2007-2011) and IS1103 (Adapting European health services to diversity (2011-2016).

Zoltan Katz graduated as a pharmacist at the University of Pécs (UP) in 2009 and gained his post-gradual degree specialised on pharmaceutical care in 2012. He joined to the Migration Health Programs of UP Medical School (UP-MS) in 2011. He contributed to the implementation of numerous international EU-funded projects (e.g. CHANCE project - MSc in Migration Health, PROMOVAX, C2ME project - Culturally Competent in Medical Education, etc.) focusing on health aspects of vulnerable groups like Roma communities (e.g. RomaHealthNet, Roma Health Mentor Program). He contributed to the organization of several international and national level conferences and symposiums. He participated in the International Visitor Leadership Program (IVLP) in 2014. He is taking part in education of gradual and post-gradual training programs of UP-MS, Department of Operational Medicine. He has several poster and oral presentations at national and international conferences and publications about migration health related research activities.

István Kiss, MD, PhD, DSc, director of the Institute of Public Health Medicine at the Medical School. His undergraduate educational activity includes teaching public health to students of general medicine, dentistry, pharmacology. Besides the obligatory courses he leads or takes part in several elective courses as well, related to different aspects of preventive medicine. His research interest focusses on the epidemiology and prevention of chronic non-infectious diseases. He takes part in different research / health promotion projects related to the health status of vulnerable populations. Besides these epidemiological studies and projects he is also interested in molecular level public health research within the topics chemoprevention, biomarkers of carcinogenesis, effects of diet on health.

Andrew Lee studied biological sciences before continuing his graduate education in public health and medicine at Harvard University, Johns Hopkins University and Washington, DC-area hospitals. Though not a practicing medical doctor, he consults with investment firms regarding new drug approvals, advises students beginning their medical studies and teaches college biology on a part-time basis in Washington, DC. His outreach to immigrant communities has been through teaching and advising of recent immigrants as well as volunteer activities assisting immigrants navigating complex state-funded health insurance programs (Medicaid) near Washington, DC in Arlington, VA. He is guest lecturing at the University of Pécs Medical School this fall in the history of medicine and technology.

Jutta Lindert, PhD, M.A is professor of Public Health at the Protestant University of Ludwigsburg, Ludwigsburg, Germany. She is visiting scientist at the University of Leipzig. Her research interests focus on the interplay of culture, biology, life events and mental health, and on the long term health impact of violence on health and mental health. Additionally, she is investigating factors which influence ageing among others historical events, genetic and environmental factors. Jutta is president of the Section of Public Mental Health of the “European Association of Public Health” and is currently preparing a study on the long term effects of child maltreatment in several countries in Europe and Latin America. Jutta has published many articles in scientific and nonscientific journals and is currently editing two books which will be published by Springer, New York (“Violence and Health”; War, Genocide and Memory). As former head of refugee camp she is dedicated to investigating differences in health and methods and possibilities to overcome those. Before her career in Public Health Jutta has studied literature focusing on possibilities to write poems and literature on war and genocide. She is now Professor of Public Health at the University of Emden.

Prior to returning to academia, John Lipinski was a manager with the pharmaceutical companies Warner Lambert and Pfizer. Dr. Lipinski promotes the belief that entrepreneurship in particular is a critical component for integrating immigrants into a new society. As the individuals and their ethnic cohort become critical contributors to a community, they are more readily accepted and integrated into their new homeland. Working to develop the potential of such groups builds trust as more common interests develop and interdependence grows. As a professor, Dr. Lipinski , is an active researcher with the Business of Humanity Project which focuses on strategic "humane" programs focusing on criteria such as integrity, safety, and social sustainability. Has been involved in immigrant inclusion projects and is an active researcher at the Business of Humanity Project. He is focused on Mental Health consequences of the vulnerable groups' self-employment and inclusion. Dr.John Lipinski is a full professor and serves as the Co-Director of the ExcEL Center for Entrepreneurial Excellence at Indiana University of Pennsylvania.

Erika Marek, PhD is a senior lecturer at the Department of Operational Medicine, Migrant Health Programs, UP-MS. She obtained her PhD (summa cum laude, 2013) of Public Health (health promotion, health education) at the Clinical Medicine Doctoral School, Medical School, University of Pecs. Between 2011-2013 she was engaged in the development of the Curriculum of a newly developed training program: MSc in Migrant Health (ERASMUS:
CHANCE project). In 2013, as a National Excellence Program grantee, she conducted a nationwide research aiming to collect and analyse medical data of irregular migrants and conducted questionnaire surveys regarding occupational health aspects of migration as well as focus-group discussions among migrants. Between 2014-15 she developed and held health educational program for asylum-seekers living in Hungarian Reception Centre aiming to improve irregular migrants’ access to health care services and participants’ health awareness. She is interested in voluntary work in vulnerable populations and in intercultural issues in health-care: interpretation and mediation in Roma and migrant communities. As a lecturer for graduate medical students (Hungarian and English Program) she is providing educational materials, holding seminars, lectures (epidemiology, public health, migrants’ health related topics).

Debra McBride has a Master’s Degree in International Administration with a focus on Organization Development and Training in non-profit organizations and a BA in International Studies. She has over 20 years of professional experience working with both the government and private sectors. This experience includes directing a state and federally funded non-profit organization, ownership of a consulting practice focused on building the capacity of organizations and individuals, and 15 years of experience as an examiner with state and national quality/continuous improvement programs. Debra manages the operations of the Global Health Initiative by building relationships with faculty, students, internal departments and external organizations to establish global health programming; oversees programs and projects; develops strategy; defines procedures, policies and metrics; and evaluates and improve processes

Klara K. Papp, PhD, is professor and director of the Center for the Advancement of Medical Learning. Dr. Papp completed her PhD in Educational Psychology at the State University of New York at Buffalo. She provides expertise in educational testing and measurement which includes the construction and interpretation of performance-based measures of student performance, including multiple choice tests, essay examinations, behavior checklist rating scales and patient-based clinical skills exams. She is working with a small and dedicated team of faculty on pursuing medical education scholarly activities and supporting the community of medical educators in their educational pursuits.

Harald Siem is a member of the Faculty Board in NAKMI since 2003 and former associate professor at the University of Oslo. For seven years he was a district doctor in Aukra municipality. He holds a Master in Public Health and a PhD in medicine. He has had a large number of executive positions at home and abroad, including the IOM in Geneva and the Baltic Sea Council's work on infection protection.

Zsolt Szekeres is a graduate of George Washington University, he holds degrees in computer science and business administration. He is a managing director of several LLCs, the CAE International Capital Management Hungary Limited Liability Company, Equinox Hungary Liquidity Management and Licensing Services LTD., FW Hungary Licensing Limited Liability Company and the Information for Investment Decisions, Inc.,. Formerly, he has held a position as an administrative officer at the United Nations Information Center in Washington DC. Currently, he is the team leader for the institutional strengthening of the Ministry of Environment and Regional Development.

Istvan Szilard graduated as a Medical Doctor at the University of Pécs, Hungary. He got his Ph.D. from the Hungarian Academy of Sciences in 1984 and became appointed titular professor in 2007. Between 1992-1996 Associate Professor in Public Health Medicine at the University of Pécs/ Hungary and the Postgraduate Medical University of Budapest. He joined the International Organization for Migration (IOM) in 1996 to coordinate humanitarian health operations in the Balkans. Between 2004-2007 he was IOM Senior Migration Health Adviser for Europe and liaison person to EC/EU on migration health in Brussels. He has been a Senior Scientific Adviser at the University of Pécs Medical School since 2007. Currently, he is the key coordinator of migration and minority health projects and training programs. He has been heading the Editorial Office of the Public Health Aspects of Migration in Europe WHO electronic newsletter since 2014. Since 2016 he is member of the core expert group responsible for the implementation of the WHO Migration Health Strategy and Action Plan in Europe. In 2017 the European Parliament awarded him with the ‘European Citizen’s Prize’.